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Monday, March 7, 2011

Daily Tennis Qoutes Agassi edition.

"If you don't practice you don't deserve to win."  ---Andrei Agassi---

"I think on of the greatest joys I have now in my career and in my profession is to be playing an age where I can appreciate it more than I used to.... It's whole different lens you look through the older you get."
---Andrei Agassi---

" Some times it's just harder to remind yourself about what you're doing and why you're doing it... Other times, you have a great desire for it, but physically you're not responding the way you want.  The present other challenges.  Then sometimes it all comes together.
---Andrei Agassi---

"First of all, let me say, 1:15 in the morning, for 20,000 people to still be here, I was't the winner, tennis was. That's awesome.  I don't know if I've ever felt so good here before."
---Andrei Agassi---

"I got a hundred bucks says my baby beats Pete's baby.  I just think genetics are in my favor."
---Andrei Agassi---

"I had moments of my actions and words not reflecting who it is I am - if defines a punk, then yes, absolutely.
---Andrei Agassi---

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